Monday, February 22, 2021

Monkey Mind

Monkey mind is, according to wikipedia,  a Buddhist  term meaning "unsettled, restless, capricious, whimsical, fanicful, inconstant, confused, indecisive, uncontrollable."

This morning I really, really, really have monkey mind.  I have read the devotional and listened to the Pray as you Go App and written in my journal and tried to sit in prayer/meditation.  And my mind, my mind, my mind goes everywhere.

It is not always like this, but it certainly is this morning.

So, I come to this writing with the hope that in this act, I might be able to focus a bit as I start this day and this week. 

 This morning the devotional was title - "Worth More than God."  The message was that we are so loved by God and it is most thoroughly demonstrated through the gift of and the giving up of his son Jesus.  Yesterday I listened to a podcast which talked about God's humility that is demonstrated by the crucifixion of Christ.  Which is lived out in the person of Jesus.  One of the aspects that we often fail to see in the stories of Jesus and his healing is that people come to him at the last resort - like the woman with the issue of blood.  Almost like - I've tried everything else, I might as well come to you.

For many of us - that is what we do.  We try to solve problems on our own and almost as a last resort we come to God in prayer.  Often I hear people talk about "I just need to figure it out" - whatever it is.  And even though we come late to God - there is never a sense of "It's about time."  Instead, God just gives and loves and heals and strengthens and forgives.  Over and over.  And it is demonstrated in the life and the death of Jesus.

So, as I write this, I guess I get comfort trusting that in these times when I have a "monkey mind" God is still with me, waiting, loving, present. If God's love and grace were dependent upon my state of mind I would be in big trouble.

So, I start this week with gratitude and expectation of God's blessings flowing even though I am definitely not deserving,   I am just loved.

Here's a meaningful  prayer by Maxine Shonk

May the God of KINDNESS be with you,

gazing upon you with understanding eyes.

May you see in those eyes unconditional acceptance of who you are and how you are in any given moment of your life.

And may you know God's gentle call to grow in kindness toward those who people your life.

May the God of KINDNESS bless you.


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