Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Teach us to live well

That is one of the lines that spoke to me this morning as I read through the daily readings.  It is from Psalm 90.  Here is is in context

Oh! Teach us to live well!
    Teach us to live wisely and well!
Come back, God—how long do we have to wait?—
    and treat your servants with kindness for a change.
Surprise us with love at daybreak;
    then we’ll skip and dance all the day long.
Make up for the bad times with some good times;
    we’ve seen enough evil to last a lifetime.
Let your servants see what you’re best at—
    the ways you rule and bless your children.
And let the loveliness of our Lord, our God, rest on us,
    confirming the work that we do.
    Oh, yes. Affirm the work that we do!

And there is more to savor here:  surprise us with love at daybreak
                                   make up for the bad times with some good times
                                   let the loveliness of our Lord, our God, rest on us confirming the work that we do

That is what I need to hear today.  The news is full of the stories about George H. W. Bush and like every death, it is an opportunity to reflect on one man's life.  I read his biography by Jon Meachem and came away from it  admiring him.   He was a man of great humility and great ambition.  It is an interesting mix but he shows what that looks like.  I respect him for  his discipline, his fortitude, and his graciousness.  Politically I disagreed at times and he definitely made mistakes - don't we all - but overall, there was so much about his life that I hold in high regard. 

 He and Barbara really did have a very good marriage.  I learned about their early life in Texas which was anything but patrician and their surviving the death of their daughter Robin.  I also learned about the time that Barbara went into a deep depression and his understanding and dedication to her through that time.  He was a good leader, a good family man and a good person.  He lived well.

Like the funeral of John McCain, we have an opportunity for reflection on a person's particular life choices and it is  good to have someone to look up to and admire.  Especially these days.  I heard someone say that Trump's excesses have been excused by many who think "they're all a bunch of crooks, anyway."  So the lifting up of people can remind us that there are other choices than lying, holding grudges, creating dissension and self aggrandizement.

What I have discovered during this challenging time with Chuck is that my salvation is really found in looking past my own problems and recognizing that we are each on our own journeys of bad times and good times. I am grateful for emails with my sister in law who is in a similar situation - I am not alone in this by a long shot.   Spiritual Direction and just  the conversation of friendships keep me grounded and open to hear and hold their stories and learn and enjoy God's activity in each of our lives.  I confess,    I can   really get tunnel vision as I stay locked in this house in this waiting space.

And so I start the day with two thoughts from the text
1. Teach me to live well - help me to choose kindness, patience, grace and humor
2. surprise me with love at daybreak

I don't know what that will look like today - but I take it as a promise that love is all around me.  May I see it, feel it, savor it.

Here is a blessing by Maxine Shonk that reminds me of the life of George Bush and the blessing needed for all of us as we are in a season of caregiving.

May the God of SERVICE be with you,
May God minister to you in your vulnerability.
May you know God's giving presence in your powerlessness and in our humanity.
May you serve the needs of all those whose path of struggle and need crosses your own.
And may they know the healing touch of God through your service and presence.
May the God of SERVICE be with you.

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