Friday, December 21, 2018

Light in the darkness

This is a quick post because I have to get to the hospital.  Audrey is there, however, with Chuck and will meet with whatever doctors come through the door in my absence.

I just want to write a word about the darkness - which is the steady decline of Chuck.  He no longer can live in my home and is currently in the hospital.  Soon - maybe today - he will go to Heartland of Westerville care center.  At the beginning my insurance will pay but soon it will be up to me.  The darkness is wondering what that is all going to look like.

And the light
friends who continue to call, text, send cards, visit and remind me that I am not along
daughters who are with me and Chuck daily comforting, loving, and guiding us all
My brother Wayne and his wife Gail who came to spend two days with us and have really felt like a wise and steadying and compassionate presence

And of course, the constant presence of God - the glimpses of love and light in this season. I cannot ever explain what that "feels like"  but it is real.

I am sharing this blessing of Maxine Shonk which I need today.

May you be blessed by the God of PEACE who stills the heart that quakes with fear or doubt or confusion.
May you discover your peace in the "Godseed" of your own being and in the flowering of your inner goodness.
May the warmth of your peace bring calm to those who tremble in fear and uncertainty.
May the blessing of PEACE be on you.

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