Monday, March 1, 2021

Random thoughts

I sit on Geoff and Vicky's back porch hearing bird songs and looking at blue skies. I am not in Columbus.  Where it is probably grey and certainly cooler than 70 degrees.

I will soon take a walk in the neighborhood and enjoy wide streets,  Spanish moss and just the difference of these southern homes compared to where I live.  I can't exactly focus today but here are some thoughts after listening,  reading and prayer.

1. Listening to "abide with me" and I remember my mothers funeral where that was played.  Being with Geoff means sharing memories of our parents.  As we age we have an understanding of them and for me, a desire to go back and have other conversations.  My mother became a widow at my age and I have a deeper realization of how hard it must have been for her.    

2. The text today was Luke 6:36-38.  It contains 
Be merciful
Don't judge
Don't condemn

And in the devotional the text is John 10 when Jesus says " I am the the good shepherd" .  I hear Jesus saying to me. ": I'll do the judging - you do the loving" 

And I know that is the best life for me to live in acceptance, wonder, curiosity, understanding and desire to love others.  and as chuck used to say to me : I'm working on it!

3. The Luke text also has these words which have often been used in church around the offering:
"For the measure you give will be the measure you get back"
And as I heard it this morning I thought it was about our mercy, forgiveness and love the more we give, the more we receive.  It is - for me, about being in the flow that makes all our relationships work.
Often in church, however, I wonder if it is being presented and seen as a transaction.  The more $$$ you give, the more $$$ you will receive. And that can lead to disillusionment.

Anyway. These are my random thoughts one beautiful Monday morning in Southport.  

Ill end with this blessing that I walk around with:

You have given all to me
To you,  Lord, I return it
Everything is yours; do with it what you will
Give me only you love and Your grace, 
that is enough for me.

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