Sunday, January 4, 2009

East of the Web

My family is crazy.
We are all playing the same game - this word game on East of the Web.

I went to get on the site and sure enough there was Kacey and her name on the site was "Kacey Brett" so I knew it was her

Then I signed in as "Margot Hi Kacey"
And then suddenly I realized that Marnie was on signed in as "Marniebeatkcando"
then Kacey signed off and on as "Kaceybeatall"

Unfortunately - for them - they did not beat Ogram.
The crazy part is that Marnie is down in the basement and I am in the family room. We are not talking - just playing each other in this game.

As an aside, I watched the last Boston Legal show when one of the characters talked about the fact that they have "dumbed down" TV shows because people are multitasking when they are watching TV these days - that is what we are all doing

"Watching" Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters and still playing these games.
What a family!

1 comment:

Me said...

HA! I am so addicted to that game. And now Alyse plays with me and yells out all the 3 letter words. CAT! CATS! PAT! DAD! DADS! I love it.