Thursday, January 22, 2009


Last night I finished my first semester of the Wellstreams program in spiritual direction.
I have now taken two courses: The dynamics of transformation and the historical traditions of spirituality.
I wrote about a half dozen papers and read five books.
I have attended class every other Saturday morning and every other Wednesday night.
It has been really wonderful.

Last night we had a closing ritual where we each shared what this first semester has meant to us. I resonated with so much of what people said.
One woman talked about feeling like she is giving up control a lot more. There is a shift within her that is enabling her to trust God more. I feel that.
We each picked up a bowl with a blessing and a rock inside of it and reflected on that. The rock in my bowl said "Peace" and I thought that was so appropriate. I do feel greater peace.

I watch people in my life going through some difficult times - whether it is Ellen who has cancer, or Marnie who is going through a divorce, or Audrey going through job search. Of course I am helpless with all of them. That is a given - there is little I can do.
The peace I have is the knowledge that God is really with them and not only supporting them but at work in these dark times and guiding them. The dark times are the times in which we are broken and then come back together in new ways.
Obviously there is pain in that....but there is also new life. Eventually.
My peace is in that understanding and trusting in the "eventually."

I also come away from this first semester with greater self awareness. I can see more and more the "inner child" issues that stem from my childhood as well as the ways that I have fallen into patterns of self rejection. I am learning to trust in the gentle and slow work of God in my own life.

Finally, learning again and again to slow down - to make sure my life has some time of silence and solitude.

I am so glad that I am in this class. It was what I needed. I look forward to the next two courses which begin next week.

1 comment:

Me said...

that program sounds great. congrats on the first semester being done!