Saturday, January 29, 2022


This is a word that I think about all the time - concurrent.  The dictionary definition is:

"existing, happening, or done at the same time"

This morning as I watch the news I hear about a blizzard on the east coast and two feet of snow in some places.  And here in Ohio it is cold and there is snow on the ground but no snow coming today.  And no staying in and no shoveling.  I talked to Melanie in Tucson yesterday and a completely different weather pattern as she gets to sit outside and take walks end enjoy blue skies.  Concurrent.

My mentor in Bowling was Vonnie Schall who  endured the sorrow of losing a teenage son.  I remember that she shared  about driving to the funeral and passing the golf course and seeing people enjoying the game.  And her thought was - how could that be when her whole world was destroyed?  Concurrent

I think this is one of the challenges of life - that we go through the ups and downs in different ways and different times.  Being aware of the sadness of others can affect our times of joy and celebration.  And our times of happiness and comfort can sometimes limit our awareness of  the pain of others.  

Yesterday I had a beautiful day of working at home and then playing pickleball with my daughter and other friends.  I feel so grateful to be able to continue to move my body as I live into these seventies. I had contact with all my daughters and just felt a  general sense of appreciation.

At the same time, I learn about the sudden death of a twenty year old and prepare to officiate a funeral for an eighty year old.  To watch the news is to be aware of not only omicron deaths and blizzards but also potential war in Ukraine.  It is all concurrent.  

Somehow this morning I think of the poem by Rumi called The Guesthouse.  It starts like this: This being human is a guest house.  Every morning a new arrival."  I think some of these arrivals come because we are affected by each other as good things and bad things are happening  to ourselves and others concurrently.

The Guest House

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.


 I know that it is easy to concentrate only on the positive emotions and experiences - but our relationship - our kinship - with others means that no matter how good things may be for us in this moment we need to see and pray for and serve those who are suffering. .

This being human is a guest house - and a struggle at times - and an adventure always

.  I live in wonder and gratitude.

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