Saturday, January 22, 2022

God' s Voice

Today in "Pray as you Go" is the Saturday examen - a chance to look back prayerfully at activities and prayer and discern where you have experienced God.

It has been a week of transition as I have moved from isolation in covid to re-entering the activites of my life that bring me joy.  And so I have experienced the blessing of Bible study, staff meetings, dinner out with a dear friend, and pickleball.  What a difference a week makes.

Yet, as I look at my journal and reflect back on the week I find myself always writing the same words - learning to trust, let go, surrender and live. 

There is no question that God speaks to me through the activities and people in my life.  I also continue to find meaning and wisdom through prayer, silence and reading. 

I have been slowly making my way through Rumi: The Book of Love translated by Coleman Barks.  His writings speak to my soul as I find myself embracing the gifts of this abundant and often enchanted life/

Here is one of his poems to reminds me of our limited vision of all that God is doing.

The Road Home
by Rumi ยบ

An ant hurries along a threshing floor with its wheat grain,
moving between huge stacks

of wheat, not knowing the abundance all around. It thinks its
one grain is all there is to

love. So we choose a tiny seed to be devoted to. This body,
one path or one teacher. Look

wider and farther. The essence of every human being can see,
and what that essence-eye takes

in, the being becomes. Saturn. Solomon! The ocean pours
through a jar, and you might say it

swims inside the fish! The mystery gives peace to your
longing and makes the road home home.


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