Monday, February 14, 2022

Valentines Day

What I know about this day is that it is often fraught.  Those who have no special person in their life feel alone and those who do often have too high expectations of how love will be expressed.  But it can be a day just to let people know that you love them.

i have dropped off valentines for granddaughters yesterday and remember the fun of being a 2nd grader - like Maggie - and giving and receiving valentines.  

For the first time in four years I do have a valentine.  I am now three months dating a very sweet man who will cook me dinner tonight and be kind and caring to me.  It is both strange and wonderful after decades with Chuck to find someone new and very different from Chuck, who was - one of a kind.  

A friend sent me this blessing from Jan Richardson today  It contains a quote by Thoreau

"There is no remember for love but to love more."  I have learned  that broken hearts do heal and are able to love again.  It is a miracle and a blessing. 

Blessing for the Brokenhearted

Let us agree
for now
that we will not say
the breaking
makes us stronger
or that it is better
to have this pain
than to have done
without this love.

Let us promise
we will not
tell ourselves
time will heal
the wound,
when every day
our waking
opens it anew.

Perhaps for now
it can be enough
to simply marvel
at the mystery
of how a heart
so broken
can go on beating,
as if it were made
for precisely this—

as if it knows
the only cure for love
is more of it,

as if it sees
the heart’s sole remedy
for breaking
is to love still,

as if it trusts
that its own
persistent pulse
is the rhythm
of a blessing
we cannot
begin to fathom
but will save us

—Jan Richardson

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