Monday, March 23, 2020


      That is the word that came to me this morning as I drove in the rain to the church to pick up a few books.  This covid-19, corona virus, pandemic is caused by a virus that we cannot see.  It is "caught" by a sneexe or cough, or touching a contaminated surface, or close personal contact.  But it cannot be seen.  And I have HEARD about people who were showing no symptoms and tested and found to have it.  It is unseen.  Just the thought of that makes me anxious about what I touch and who is near me.

     And at the same time I think about God and how unseen God  presence is as well.  One of the readings of today's lectionary is Acts 9 and the transformative event when Paul had an encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus.  The text starts with a description of his "breathing threats and murder" against the disciples.  Then a light from heaven flashed around him and he heard a voice - "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?"  And he identified himself as Jesus and told Paul to "get up and enter the city and you will be told what to do."  The text tells us that his companions heard the voice but did not see anything.

   This famous exchange changed him completely so that the one who persecuted Christians became one of the forefathers of the church.  A monumental change caused by the unseen but powerful presence of God.

    My faith is believing even when I do not see.  Hebrews 11:1 Now Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

So, I cannot see the virus but I believe that it is here - in the world, in the US, in Columbus.  And I do whatever I can to make sure it is NOT in 1812 white pine court.  I take seriously the risk and TRY  to protect myself.

And more importantly I believe in God's presence, healing and call upon my life.   God has the power to radically change lives - like Paul's and like mine.  Today after I stopped by the church I also did a quick check in on a parishioner of the church who has brain cancer.  I have become close to his mother who is taking care of him night and day.  I felt like the unseen God was guiding me to trust the urging to connect and trust that the unseen virus was not in their home.  I hope so.

I want to end this with the prayer of today by Teresa of Avila.  We are all on a journey against an unseen virus and guided by the unseen God.


I think often of st. Paul's words that
"all things are possible with God."

As you set out on your journey
take no notice of the warnings people give you,
or the dangers they suggest.
It is absurd to think
that you can travel alone a road full of bandits
to reach a costly treasure
without running any risks.
The worldly think that happiness consists 
of journeying peacefully through life.
Yet for the sake of making an extra dollar
they will sacrifice their sleep night after night
and leave others with no peace of mind or body.

You are traveling by the royal and safe road
along which our Lord, 
all the elect, and the saints have passed.
Put aside the misgivings
that the world would impose upon you.
Take no notice of public opinion.
This is no time to believe everything you hear.
Be guided only by those who conform their lives
to the will of God.
Try to keep a good conscience.
Practice humility.
Despise the values of the world.
Do these things
and you can be sure
that you are on the right road.

Mantra for today



Kay McGlinchey said...

Thank you for sharing. :)

Kay McGlinchey said...

Just read it again. Thank you, thank you for the blessing you are.