Friday, March 20, 2020


I am participating in a 9 day retreat through "Abbey of the Arts" and a new word I learned yesterday was "Peregrinatio."

I looked it up on google to see if it was a real word and it is.  Here is the definition:
"leaving one's homeland and wandering for the love of God. " 

I am in day 5 of "sheltering at home" officially.  Last Thursday I saw my doctor who encouraged me to not put myself at risk - she said that this virus was coming and I needed to take it seriously.  So, I backed out of volunteering at St. Ann's Friday,  going to church Sunday and working the polls Tuesday.  Subsequently, all of these have been cancelled - the volunteer program is on hiatus, the church worship is only open to the few who are putting the service together, the voting did not even happen.  In addition, schools, restaurants, bars, gyms have all closed. .  Everything has  radically changed in a week.

Since Monday I have seen only my daughters in the flesh as they have dropped food off on me.  Is this a "Peregrinatio"  Have I left my homeland of busy activity for the love of God?  My decision to take seriously the dangers has been guided by my faith and  my understanding that I am important to God and need to care about my own health and find ways to serve as I live alone in my home.  And I have found more and more ways to connect and be helpful to others.

But it is a new journey and one without familiar markers.  This morning I listened to a song:
Here are the words
Setting out, no rudder, sails, nor oars
Trusting the current trusting the course
Our hearts are ready for the ride
Our hearts are ready for new life

So as I begin this day, I begin with an understanding that God is in this journey and I cannot know right now how long and where it is going to take me.  I dip in and out of the press conferences of both our Governer and our President.  Invariably the press keeps trying to nail them down to when medicines  and supplies will be available and how long this virus is going to be upending our lives.  And truly I know that no one knows.  We are on a journey here that is unprecedented and while it is important to have accountability, there is so much about this time that is full of not knowing.

But for me, staying in this home that will be mine longer than I had planned, is my Peregrinatio as I trust God to strengthen me and guide me.  The question of today during the retreat is this:

As always I say this - I'm working on it.  My prayer is that  I might grow and serve during these very strange days.

Here is a wonderful Poem by Denise Levertov

As swimmers dare
to lie face to the sky
and water bears them,
as hawks rest upon air
and air sustains them,
so would I learn to attain
freefall, and float
into Creator Spirit's deep
knowing no effort earns
that all-surrounding grace.

1 comment:

Kay McGlinchey said...

Thank you, thank you. First of all for responding to my email by calling me and caring. Secondly, you remind me in your blog of my Retreats I've done on line and how
helpful they were and how helpful yours was to me this morninng. Words of comfort and "remembering" who I am and whose I am. I know, but I forget to remember. As I said to John this morning in his request to share about standing on the Rock. I do stand on the Rock most of the time but sometimes I find myself lying prostrate on the Rock with the waves of doubt and fear washing over me, but I am still on the Rock. I've been through this before and those experiences have helped to be strounger in the brokenness but it's not a one time thing. We tend to have to go through it over and over again and Remember. It helps to have someone on the journey with us as I know you are. Thanks for your love and ministry and friendship. Kay