Friday, January 2, 2015

Morning Thoughts - January 2

My God, My Lord, Dear Jesus, Loving Spirit, Source of all life, Divine Lover

I come to be connected and reconnected.
I come to find an anchor.

What I feel right now is that I am floating - at sea - asea

And the question of the day - what do I do?  what do I do with myself?
Followed by who am I?  Who am I now?

And I want some discipline, some role, some rule, some thing
Every day I, write, walk?  Every day I will  .......what?
Maybe it is this - Every day I will write Morning Pages so I can get it out
   get out the questions, the confusion, the grief, the relief, the emptiness, the fullness of this time.

What I know right now is that every day I have to do something because I am afraid of
         sloth - ennui - meaninglessness - purposelessness - floating away
   I am afraid that who I really am will be revealed - the lazy, shallow, extremely self centered person I am

And that is true - and also I am smart, hard working, faithful, caring

So the answer for this moment and this beginning time
the answer has to be connection to you, God
the one who gives me purpose and wholeness? 
not sure - how about the one who gives me grace and life
and new life

I am here to be with you
I will wait in this time
I will wait for healing and refreshment
I will wait for you.

Blessing from Maxine Shonk:

May the God of CONTEMPLATION bless you calling you into the still point of Divine Presence.
Out of the silent center of your being may you bring serenity and peace to every circumstance and each person.
May you CONTEMPLATION bear fruit in the word syou speak and the work that you do.
May the God CONTEMPLATION  bless you.  Amen

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