Thursday, January 1, 2015

A New Year - A New Life

This is a day of new beginnings as we start a new year.  It is the beginning for me of a life of retirement - whatever the heck that means.

I started today reflecting on new year's resolutions and knew that I was tired of the same old, same old.....which is often about diet and exercise for me.

And I felt like the message for this year - is "You need to do those things that give you life."  And then there is the discernment - what are they?  what really does give me life?

I wrote in my journal - the top7 things that give me life:

1. being with people I love
2. learning something new
3. bringing order to chaos
4. creating something new
5. body movement
6. nature
7. art - music, books, movies, etc

I also wrote - being present in the moment - which can be any of these things. 

And so, the year begins in wonder and hope with the "resolution" to do those things that give me life.

I sat in my prayer room and randomly opened the book "Blessing Upon Blessing" and received this blessing for the beginning of this year.

May the RENEWING God be with you, recreating, enlivening, filling you with God's own life.
As you claim this life, cherish it and allow it to grow,
and celebrate it with "thank you" forever etched upon your heart.
With love may you call others to be renewed and refreshed. 
May the blessing of the RENEWING God be upon you.

Happy New Year

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