Wednesday, October 3, 2018

An Introduction......Not an Infestation

Thank God!  Yes, Thank God.

"You have had an introduction and not an infestation."  These were the words spoken by Adam – an expert on bedbugs who came to our home this morning to look over the bedroom.

It all started about a week ago when Audrey came to me with bite marks on her ankles.  We looked them up on google and thought – OH NO – could it be bed bugs?  Then an examination of her bed and the box spring showed unmistakable signs of them living in our home.

We immediately went back to the internet and read about what to do.  And we did everything we could:
·        We bought sleeves for the mattresses that will remain on the mattress and the box spring for a year
·        We took  books and put them in the freezer to stay for four days
·        We sprayed the bed frame with Hot Shot and put it in the garage.
·        We removed  clothes from  closets and drawers and dried them for 20 to thirty minutes
·        We vacuumed and vacuumed and vacuumed
·        And sprayed and sprayed and sprayed the room
·        We would enter the room and do the work and then take our clothes off and wash them.

We  lived with   dreadful questions:  am I itchy?  Is that a bite on me?  Are these unseen creatures moving to the next bedroom, to the living room?  Are they on my clothes ; Am  I bringing them to a friends house?  To the movies?

 And we heard from others horror stories about how it took months to get rid of these bugs and thousands of dollars.

And then today, the examination – the slow study of the room, the closets, the wallpaper,  the bed frame, the carpets and he saw NOTHING.  To say that we feel relief is an understatement.

So there is still work to be done.  Just in case, every closet will be completely emptied and we will spray it.  And then the slow work of moving our stuff back in again.

       We had an introduction and it was unsettling to say the least.  And the worst of it was a feeling of being out of control and vaguely ashamed.  My friend Mary came to spend the night on Friday and changed her mind when she heard about this.   When I mentioned bedbugs  to my physical therapist, I had to put my clothes in a bag and wear a gown.  And I have been living with a free floating anxiety about whether I am a carrier.  It has been a challenging time to be sure.

I end in deep gratitude that it was no more debilitating than it was.  And while there was some financial  cost to it, our do it yourself solution worked.  Thank God.   Yes, Thank God. 

My prayers are with all of those men and women who are dealing with this right now.  It is a nightmare.

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