Friday, September 28, 2018

My Vagina Monologue

With all due respect to Eve Ensler - I have been on a journey of physical therapy that I wrote about for my writing class..  Hope it is not too challenging a topic to share here.

My Vagina Monologue
In the beginning it was not my vagina.  It was my “down there.”  As in – is everything ok “down there?”
However, by the time I was a Mom with daughters of my own, we used the proper word – not v jay jay or hoo hoo or down there – but vagina.  That doesn’t mean we really talked about it.  But at least we called it by name. 

As I look back I can see the many gifts of my vagina – discovering the pleasures of sex and experiencing the mystery of childbirth.   One of the thrills of my life was watching two granddaughters emerge from my daughters vagina.  It is in watching it stretch and seeing a tiny head crown, that I realized the wonder of what our bodies can do!

The babies are grown and the sex life is diminished but my vagina has lessons for me still as I face the vulnerabilities of aging.  I have a condition that embarrasses me and I looked and looked for some more beautiful way to express the problem – and found this one – enuresis.  Enuresis!  It flows off your tongue.  Or I could use the other term which sounds  awful to my ears  -  incontinence.  It started a long time ago with the inadvertent spurts that came following a sneeze or belly laugh.  Later, there were leaks when I was lifting or running.  Added to that was a growing sense of urgency – the dash to the bathroom hoping to make it in time, quickly unbuttoning my pants, pivoting and plopping on the toilet.  It is a gradual progression from minipads, to maxis, to poise pads and eventually (no I did not get there!) to depends.

Instead I went to my doctor and asked about surgery.  However, just like when I had a frozen shoulder – her first response was – “why don’t you try physical therapy? “  She assured me it would be private - “in a room with a door and a nice woman will work with you.”

That was the beginning of an adventure that has  led me into a deeper knowledge and relationship with this most precious part of my body – my vagina. 

I have learned a new form of awareness about how I sit and what I drink and how it affects her, my vagina.  It turns out that she  holds my tension.  More than I ever knew. Many people tell me that I am a calming and peaceful presence.  You should see me with a nervous bride at a wedding or a fretful funeral director before a service.  I am unruffled and serene.    Except – apparently my vagina is holding the tension tightly.   And here’s the thing : if your vagina is always on high alert you cannot squeeze appropriately to stop the pee.   So….another lesson has been that relaxation needs to be complete – throughout every part of my body.  Guided  meditations have become  necessary as I confront this.

It  turns out that tight muscles can be stretched gradually through digital pressure.  I am more friendly and aware of  my labia and the powerful muscles of that part of my body than ever in my life.
My vagina has also taught me that when there is a sense of urgency, accidents can be avoided through practicing deep breathing.   I no longer make a mad dash to the bathroom, but now  walk  forward a step at a time, breathing deeply, occasionally stopping to do Kegel exercises and am able to control how and when I urinate.

Finally I have learned again that my mind – my quick, sharp, smart brain – can betray me.  It convinces me that I am full when I am not and creates a sense of demand and anxiety that is unnecessary.  Is it possible that my sense of urgency is a delusion or maybe a  compulsion?

And so my "down there", my vagina, my beloved vagina has become a  spiritual teacher for me.  An appreciation of Meditation,  deep breathing, and bodily awareness have become gifts of this journey. Most importantly, I have hope for change that affects  body and soul.  I am awed by the mystery of it all and trusting  that  these spiritual practices  are making me stronger, wiser and drier. 

May it be so.

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