Monday, April 27, 2015

Answered Prayers

Are stunning.
 At least that is how I feel.  I suppose I should be used to it, but right now I am in a place of gratitude for so many reasons and all I can say is thank you God.
Here are some of the answered prayers that I celebrate:

  • A dear friend has been aware of a job opening for over a year.  I watched his application process and have prayed that he would get the job.  He did and he will be wonderful at it!
  • Miranda has been in my prayers for over 6 months as she has struggled with some issues in her current job.  I am so happy that last week she was offered a transfer and will be moving (with Audrey) to Tucson in June.
  • Last night we got word that - without even listing their house - they have sold it and so they are truly ready to go!  
  • Brian, Chuck's son, has received some peace and physical healing recently and I celebrate that.  He is visiting us right now and fishing with his Dad and that too is a gift for us.
  • And Kacey has had struggles with her principal ever since the strike this fall and today she received news that the principal has resigned. 
I am the first one to say that 90 percent of my prayer life is not asking God for anything. Most of my time in prayer is opening myself to God in contemplation.  However, I have a "Prayer Wall" in my prayer room and throughout the day as situations I arise I pray for people and situations that come up. Not all prayers are answered the way that we want, but truly there are times like this - when I can sit back and only say thank you.

And so I do. 
God is good, all the time!

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