Monday, July 29, 2019

The Last One

It was a busy weekend and now I celebrate  two events that were the LAST ONE

The first I wrote about in my previous post.  I had my last garage sale at 1812 White Pine court and that feels very good. When it was all said and done, it was very successful.

First of all, it enabled me to dispose of a large variety of treasures and  stuff that both Chuck and I have accumulated over the 15 years we have lived here.

Secondly, I made a little money.  And that is always a nice bonus as I consider where I want to spend it.  Yes, I am going to spend it !

Thirdly, the two days of the sale were both beautiful and it was very pleasant just sitting in my driveway with friends and family.  We actually did not get all that much traffic, but we were able to engage the people who came and it was interesting and fun.  The big surprise for me was how many older men came - with and without wives.  They would  spend 15 minutes looking through tools and cookbooks and other offerings and then try to talk me down a dollar or so.  Usually not spenders but the old guys looking for a bargain.  It was a mirror for me of who Chuck probably was as he went to garage sales and estate sales..

Fourth, my family REALLY supported me in this undertaking.  All three girls helped out and Marnie's daughters were there all day Saturday.  Jackson and Alyse were part of the preparation as they spent several days at my house  over the past six weeks finding items under the house and carrying lots of stuff  up from the basement, organizing it  and pricing.  I could not have done this without them.  There have been times through this process when I would just get overwhelmed by it all and the everyone helped me to keep going.

And finally, the greatest gift of all was my interaction with neighbors.  Several neighbors came multiple times and bought golf clubs, tools and other items.  A fourth grader, Millie, came over Saturday and bought some items and walked our dog Ginger and just hung out with us.  Maggie reached out to Austin who is also 5 years old and lives across the street and gave some of her toys to his family.  And I was able to give away leftover tools to a couple of neighbors.  All of this gives me a greater sense of community and safety in this new life of living alone in my neighborhood.

I have always loved the diversity in my cul de sac as we have a real mixture of people who live here.  Everyone knew Chuck who would willingly help with home repairs,  fixing kids bikes and handing out popsicles.  It was nice to hear people talk about how they missed him. And now, after this sale, I feel like they know me a little better. 

Having said all this, I still say this is my LAST garage sale.  I don't need to do this again!

The other last one was the "Worship in the Woods" that I did at Camp this summer.  I led about 6 services in the vesper spot and usually there were from 6 - 10 people present.  The service was essentially meditation, lectio divina and communion.  One practice we engaged in every week was writing a word on a stone and either keeping it or placing it on the altar.  The word came from hearing  the scripture read several times and discerning what God may be saying to us.

I was happy to do this and ended up every week hearing something important for my own faith journey.  I have no idea whether it was meaningful for others.  I think about some of the word I left on the altar - "peace." "trust" "listen".   Yesterday the scripture was from Luke 11: 1-11 and included Jesus teaching on the Lord's prayer and these familiar words:

So I say to you, Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. 10For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.

For some reason what spoke to me yesterday  was these words - the door WILL be open.  I felt a sense of hope just in that phrase.  Later as I considered my final stone to place on the altar, I asked myself - what do you want?  What do you want to ask for?  And at first I thought "healing" but then the word "LIFE" came to me.  I ask for LIFE .  It is so easy as I live into this new life without Chuck to choose comfort and security    And "Life" for me represents vitality and connection to the life force.  Life means growth, vulnerability and being awake.

So, I have appreciated both of these experiences this summer - a sale that is part of the transition  I am living in and a worship service that has connected me weekly to the Word of God in a special way.  It has been a season of movement and I celebrate both of these occasions and pray always that  as things  come to an end - that new experiences will come.

I will end with a blessing by Maxine Shonk

May the God of LIFE be with you,
filling you with life-giving spirit,
awakening you to the new and beautiful,
calling you to holiness through the living of each day.
May you see this generous God revealed in all that you do and in all that you are.
May your Spirit-filled heart give life to all those you touch. 
May the God of LIFE BLESS YOU.

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