Friday, December 12, 2008

Weight Loss and Money

Well, I saw a headline on yahoo that people lose weight more when money is on the line.
I didn't read the article, but pondered that thought.

And then approached Marnie with a challenge. Marnie has said to me that she wants to lose weight and certainly I do. We have a cruise coming in about 7 weeks and I would love to lose 10 pounds before the cruise. (actually more than that....but let's be realistic!)

So, he is what I proposed. A weekly weigh in - just the 2 of us. And $5 for the week on the line.
Whoever loses the most that week gets the other's $5. I mentioned it to Christy this morning on our morning walk and she and Dawn are in for that too. So now, we are looking at the possibility of making $15 a week if you are the one who loses the most that week.

We are going to try this for 6 weeks. Every week a new possibility!
Pray for me that I win the most money and lose the most weight.

(PS - I am at a disadvantage you know, because I am so old and have old lady's metabolism!)
(PPS - further disadvantage - living with Chuck!)


Marnie said...

I feel disadvantaged as well - b/c I live with Chuck and I have absolutely no will power.

But, I think $15 a week would be good drinking money for the cruise so I'm ready to rock and roll!

Me said...

that is a great idea!

Unknown said...

I agree that living with Chuck would be a huge disadvantage. Anytime he cooks something, you two should split it in half and share. One of my friends who lost 100 lbs uses the 'divide and conquer' strategy a lot. Walking is also great. I have to walk a lot because we have no car and it helps to balance what I eat. Still, I am trying to lose 10 lbs of post-pregnancy weight (3 years after the fact), so maybe I'll try your money plan.

Audrey Connor said...

i want in!