Sunday, December 12, 2021

Mystic Sweet Communion

 I woke up early again this morning - 5:30 and did puzzles and listened to a suspense novel for a while and then finally sat in my chair and spent time with journal and James Finley.  And entered into "mystic sweet communion."

I feel like these last few weeks are really breaking me open and I sit in gratitude, tears and wonder about everything.  Everything. James Finley says that as "oneness" occurs we recognize the fullness of divine presence in the ordinary. 

Yesterday Maggie and her BFF Nora came over to make cookies and it was fun and funny.  I roll them out and they decorate and I let them do what they want.  And the results are pretty crazy and yet still edible I think.  They are piling on the sprinkles and putting raisins in snowmen and just being silly.  

Before I took them home I sat them down before our creche so I could tell them the story of Jesus.  I just wondered what they knew.  And so I talked about the angel that came to Mary and then the angel in the dream that came to Joseph and the finding no place to have a baby but a stable and the angel that came to the shepherd and the long journey of the kings.  So sweet and afterwords Maggie picked up the baby Jesus figure and said "I think Jesus likes to do kung fu."  Was this a mystical moment - maybe.

I sit this morning in the living room with the dog sleeping at my feet and the Christmas tree lit and decorated and feel blessed beyond all deserving. Soon, I will take a shower, go to be at church for two services in the morning and a "Blue Christmas" service in the afternoon.   But this is where I start the day and become centered.

James Finley talked about how we strive for mystical union like a person jumping over a high bar.  And finally God takes the bar and puts it on the ground and we trip over it.  

I'm just grateful for these moments that are many of an awareness of love, beauty, and presence. 




I like this picture - with my reading chair, an Ann Patchett book sent from a friend,  the dog at my feet, the Christmas tree, the picture behind the chair of Mary inviting and a glimpse of the sky.  This is my place of awakening. And Mystic Sweet Communion. 

May you be blessed by the God who invites all to be ONE

who draws you ever nearer, speaking to you of unity and true community where you are surrounded by love and truth.

May this God uphold you and inspire you.

May the gift of community arise from within you, radiate around you and extend itself through you to the ends of the earth.

May the blessing ONE GOD be with you.


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