Saturday, April 3, 2021

Good Friday

Good Friday was yesterday and this morning I find myself reflecting on my experience of it.

All day I was aware that it was Good Friday.  As I did the kind of things I do - working on a jigsaw puzzle, listening to a murder mystery, playing pickleball, doing the background for me was the reality that it was Good Friday.  I also had a sense that for many people, it was just Friday.  Not Good Friday.  More and more I realize that I have become an anomaly - I am spiritual AND religious.  Which means that I engage in the ritual and the community around the sacred story.  It is the scaffolding of my week, my year, my life and yesterday was Good Friday.

All day I knew that I was driving to Gender Road Christian Church in the evening to participate in our Good Friday Service there.  I got there early and sat in the sanctuary waiting for our rehearsal and just pondering the death of Jesus that we were remembering that night.

Our service was simple and relatively short, and I think, meaningful.  At least it was to me.  I narrated the passion story with Pastor John voicing the words of Jesus and Hannah, the words of Peter and the crowd.  The readings were interspersed with music and the extinguishing of candles.  I would have liked to just sit in the congregation and experience it.  The rejection, humiliation and death of Jesus are central to our story as we see in it the acceptance of sacrificial love and ultimately - at Easter - the power and hope we find in  God.  I find that every year this story shows me a different aspect of this walking with Jesus.  And it is hard to put into words. 

So, today is Saturday and I will prepare for Easter by writing a prayer for tomorrow  in church as well as making a carrot cake for our Easter dinner with the family. I look forward to all of it.

Here is a prayer for Good Friday

Jesus, crucified and living Savior

we huddle together in doubt and fear like the disciples long ago

Even as we know you bid us to follow you into brokenness and death, we also know that you have gone before - you have faced danger and conquered doubt

As we remember the Good Friday events of long ago, may we feel your presence and know that you are with us now in our times of suffering, doubt and fear

May your promise abide in us.


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