Saturday, April 24, 2021

Father Boyle

Last night Audrey, Seth Stout and I sat in my basement and watched Father Boyle give a talk on zoom to a group of us from First Community Church.  I am still thinking about it today.

I have read two book by him this year - Tattoos on the Heart and Barking to the Choir.  They are both stories about the "Homeboy" ministries working with the gangs in Los Angeles.  They are powerful books about the love of God that is lived out through Father Boyle and his team.  I won't even try to describe the books except to say they really made me laugh at times and cry even more.  And half the time I didn;t know why I was crying.  Something about God's work in this broken world.

I took notes like I often do when I go to talks and I want to remember what he said, so I will share some on this blog.

1. He talked a lot about the "community of kinship" and the "beloved belonging."  Part of their work is providing jobs - landscaping, baking, removing tattoos, etc - and having members of various gangs work together.  And in some way that almost defies rationality - warring gang members eventually become like family.  

2. He used this phrase - Love as the Architecture of our hearts.  For everyone - even the "easily despised, readily left out and disposable."

3. He quoted Mirabai Starr: Once you know the God of love  - you fire the other gods.

4.  He said Jesus took 4 things seriously

  •  inclusion
  • nonviolence
  • compassionate acceptance
  • unconditional love

5. Jesus came to dismantle messages of shame and disgrace

6. He said: "If we don't welcome our own wounds - we may despise the wounded"

7. Christianity is something we do

It all was very inspiring and I don't want to forget it. 

I recommend his books


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