Monday, September 17, 2018


 The definition of Intermesso is:

: a short light entr'acte; a movement coming beetween the major sections of an extended musical work 

Or I would call it s "Breathing Space" 

There is a statement I learned many years ago that I have often said to others and myself:

I write this having more information than when I wrote about being "In suspense" and my anxiety has lessened greatly.  I can breathe.

When we heard that Chuck had cancer, my mind went over all kinds of possibilities that I have both experienced and heard about.  He had a cat scan on Wednesday and we saw the surgeon on Friday. I could have heard that the cancer was all over the place and that we needed to act immediately. And thank God that was not the case.

Instead we learned that the cancer is so small that the cat scan did not pick it up.  And there was nothing else to report.  There will be surgery but not right away because Chuck needs to get his strength up. So he has been instructed to eat protein and drink two ensures every day.

And now we wait for that strengthening to happen slowly as he actually seems to be doing it.  Friends have suggested other products he might try and ways to make the ensure more palatable.  But I trust that he will gain weight during these weeks.

We do not yet have a date for the surgery and that too makes the breathing room more open.  Once there is a date, I am sure there will be - like it or not - a mental countdown to the big day.  But for now waiting "a month or so" seems like a long time away.

At the same time I talk to my brother, Geoff,  who is waiting to go home.  He and Vicki have stayed in several motels waiting for the storm to subside and living in the  reality that it will be some time before he is able to drive to Southport.  He waits with more information too - he knows that no trees have fallen on his home and that the worst of Florence is over. 

We both wait for the next act to begin - surgery for Chuck and homecoming for Geoff and Vicki.
And this intermezzo is a time for diversions and waiting in gratitude. 

I am just so grateful that this cancer was discovered and we can do what needs to be done.  And grateful for the friends and family members who so clearly love us.  And grateful for my faith that gives me peace even in the midst of the various times of anxiety from not knowing what is coming next.

We are blessed beyond deserving (which is one of my definitions of grace).

My prayers are with those whose lives are completely upended by the storms of life and especially those without the resources that we have.  May God's strength and hope and guidance be with  all of us.  Here is a prayer for Comfort and reassurance.

May the God of COMFORT bless you.
May God's care for you ease all that is troubling to you and reassure you in times of adversity.
May you be encouraged by the whisper of God's love for you in the center of your being and may you rest securely in the arms of the One who will never let go of you.
May you extend the hand of comfort to those around you who are in needs of that same reassurance.
May the God of COMFORT be with you.
Maxine Shonk

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