Friday, March 24, 2017

Live as children of the Light

.....–for the fruit of the light is found in all that is good and right and true

This is a verse from one of the texts today: Ephesians 5. As I continue my week as the V Irgun IA Festival of the Book I can't help but notice that living as a child of the light means living in awareness of the dark.

Yesterday we went to 3 lectures: one on the civil war, one on women's voices in history and one on race and class.  They all stretched my thinking and opened me to seeing dark periods in our country's history and the reality of darkness for so many people in our present. I continue to read through Richard Rohrs devotional which guides me to live in the sometimes tension and discomfort of non dual thinking.

So the 3 takeaways from the lecture on race were that
1. We continue to have segregated schools in our country
2. The schools that are mostly black and Hispanic tend to be underfunded
3. The white culture is the default of what is normal and desirable.

So I live always in a privilege that I both take for granted and am often unaware of until I am confronted like today. I want to be aware and yet...

A quote from the talk that I wrote down was this:
" The masters house cannot be dismantled by the masters tools"  which ,May be similar to Einsteins  saying that we are allways trying to solve our problems with the same consciousness that caused our problems in the first place.

Anyway, moving away from black and white thinking and answers I find myself just in prayer.  Hoping that. I am living in a greater awareness and seeking what is good and right and true.  For some reason today I thought about being a Disciple of Christ....that is part of a denomination that is a movement for whole ness in a broken and fragmented world.  I want to be part of the solution which will look like equality, freedom and love for all people.  Guided by the source of life and love.

My mantra for today: May I live in love as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us

Here is a prayer by Martin Luther King

O God make us willing to do your will, come what may
Increase the number of persons of good will and moral sensitivity

Give us renewed confidence in nonviolence and the way of love as taught by Christ.

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