Tuesday, January 3, 2017

A Spring Within Us

That is the title of the book of daily meditations but Richard Rohr that I am going to be using this year as I seek to allow God to continue his work changing me from the inside out.

This morning I spent time with Jesus and the woman at the well.  This verse stands out:
"But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.  Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

It reminded me of a time when I was walking and praying in Sedona.  I was staying with my friend Susan at her timeshare at "arroyo robles."  As I walked and wondered - as usual - about where God was and who I am I just walked and walked.  Then I was on my way back to the condo and looked up at the fountain that was right in front of me. I still remember that awareness of the fountain - or inner spring - within me that continues to give life and love. Always flowing.

And that leads to thoughts of doing reiki and how often there is this sense of flow.  It is as if we get blocked and something happens in the warmth of our hands and our prayers and the mystery of God's presence and there is just a flowing of spirit going through us.

All of which is hard to describe, impossible to control, but gives me a sense of peace today.  I wonder if the inner spring gets lost or frozen or blocked by weeds.  I wonder if it is in prayer that we uncover, recover, discover that God is within us flowing and bringing grace, life, love and joy. 

This is my morning prayer today

Lord, I come to you this morning asking you to help me to experience the inner spring of your spirit.

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