Monday, November 2, 2009


I have not written for a while and the last thing I wrote was about struggle - so maybe it is time to lighten up a bit and share some of the blessings that I really am grateful for!

1. A day off and time doing some good things with Chuck - like going to the Buckeye Cafe and having lobster bisque and watching "This is It" the Michael Jackson movie on Imax (fabulous!!) and of course dinner and playing upwards. Good stuff - all of it.

2. Yesterday was our first Sunday with the New Song Christian Church joining us for the Gospel Praise Service and it was so nice to have a few more people. One of the women sang and it was awesome and we had dinner afterward and I just feel like this is going to be great. One of the women told me that she does "Spoken Word" so we will add that to our service. Pretty cool!

3. I had an Elder's Retreat on Saturday morning and it flowed beautifully. I felt like God had given me some good ideas - like have prayer partners for the elders and having Bill Brown - an 80 year saint - to give an inspirational talk. It was a great blessing to me.

4. Audrey! Audrey came to town this weekend and we got to have lunch and play upwards and talk church talk and just be together.

5. Kacey and the kids came over when Audrey was there. I love having them at the house and watching Alyse and Jackson interact. Alyse is now playing "SET" and is really good and it is just fun. And then watching sisters interact is also wonderful.

6. Marnie and Erik seem so happy and comfortable together in their home. I stopped by to pick up Audrey and Erik is willing to help me with my computer and stringing my guitar and it seems like he is part of the family.

7. All Saints Day worship was really meaningful - especially in the morning. we remembered and lit candles for everyone who passed away this year and of course, for me - lighting a candle for Ellen was especially meaningful. We also gave people opportunities to light candles for any of the saints that they remember. And they did. There were a lot of tears and I know that grief goes on and it is helpful to have some tangible expression.

8. My Well streams classes continue to just fill my spirit beyond all explaining. Every week during half the class we are either guiding, "traveling" (being directed) or observing. And it is fascinating to watch and to keep learning. I have been in spiritual direction for 10 years and am now learning how it really works - mostly through the spirit and through our really listening and emptying ourselves. Taking these classes has been an enormous blessing to me. I love it!

9. My prayer room. I feel like I have a new house since Marnie and the girls moved out. The prayer room is back in place and I spend more time in it than ever. In some ways it seems like an extravagance to have a room devoted to prayer - but I really love it. I will say that when Alyse and Reagan are here, it is the room where they play school. So, it does have another purpose. But anyway.....

10. Seeing old friends. In the past few weeks we have seen many old friends from Bowling Green - the Rupps, the Kirkbrides, Rosalea and Donnan. I talked to Mary Ann. What a rich life to continue to have such caring friends. I pray for that church that i used to serve as well as Karl Road.

anyway, one of my favorite songs is "Grateful" and I think it is becuase that is how I feel. Grateful, grateful, grateful.



Me said...

all is so great!

Eventuallysusan said...

I'm grateful that you are on my plate, kiddo. And that when I called your cell phone I finally got the right number. usually, I call Chuck thinking I'm going to get you.

Marnie said...

All sounds wonderful!