Monday, June 29, 2009

Mission Trip

I returned two days ago from the annual mission trip and I am different than when I left.

On a physical level, I stepped on a nail and had a tetanus shot lastweek plus I have poison something (ivy? sumac?) on my legs, on a financial level I had a $100 copay for the emergency room for the tetanus shot (!!!!), and on a spiritual level I am amazed by the blessing of the week.

My church took 11 people which included 6 kids and 5 adults. Audrey came with 11 kids from her church and only her as the adult and Frits (also from Tennessess) came with 4 kids. We met a group of 5 from Pennsylvania who were part of our group. Amazingly one of the women, Pattie, grew up in West Chester Pa - like me! She was younger, but still it was fun to talk about places and foods we had in common. (tastikakes?) By the end of the week we had all bonded. One of the women who came from Pa was a nurse - which is a real gift to a mission trip! We all fit together so well!

Our wrok was not construction - but destruction as we helped remove two foundations from houses and begin the demoltion of a 100 year old home. With many unskilled workers, there was work for everyone and it was satisfying. It was the first time in my life that i have worn a hard hat and I learned how hot and sweaty THAT can be. We got amazingly dirty every day but it was on the whole very satisfying.

Mission trips are really indescribable and there is this sense of you had to be there to appreciate the sense of accomplishment and comraderie. At the same time there are always issues that arise as you see how cranky people can get at times. Not to be sexist, but the immaturity of the kids comes out with risky behavior with boys and drama with girls. But somehow it is all part of the deal.

The blessing of my life is that I get to share so much of this kind of thing with Audrey. We have done 4 mission trips together and many camps together so we both have an understanding of what it is all about. Her presence always means that I have someone I can talk to who usually speaks my language and shares my humor.

There was this question about whether this is the last one for her since her time at her church is now over. But what I keep learning is that God works in ways that we cannot predict.

When I was preparing for the trip this last month, I kept saying - "This is my last mission trip." But really, who knows? When it is all said and done, I hate to give it up.


Me said...

I could see our church doing it again and Aud coming as a volunteer!

Eventuallysusan said...

I am so glad you are all back. You are not allowed to go on vacation/mission trips at the same time ever again. You keep forgetting this is about me.

Unknown said...

The mission trip sounded great. I remember many years ago in Maryland my parents had to drag me with them to paint an elderly church member's house. I complained the whole way there, but after seeing her happiness at having a newly painted house, I was glad I had helped someone. Service to others is a gift!