Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I have been ruminating about the elections. Watching Joe Scarborough in the morning and trying to make sense of what is going on.

Could not wait until the end of the board meeting last night so I could go home and watch all my people on MSNBC pontificate.
And what they were doing was eating crow! They had bought the line that Hillary was going going to lose by double digits and were having conversations all day about what was the next thing she was going to do - how was she goin to retool her campaign?

and now they are trumpeting this amazing turnaround.
Of course, the crazy part is that literally a week ago they were crowning her as the "Inevitable" candidate. Joe Scarborough through all the debates has been calling her the best debater (the only grown up) However, they got blown away by the crowds for Obama and also were obviously affected by his great speeches. Tom Brokaw was the grand old man last night chastising the young guys for jumping to conclusions. Whole thing is kind of funny.

And now today - on to talking about Super Tuesday.
The interesting part to all of this is that something happens when people vote - some decision is made within them that makes them decide that moment to cast their ballot for the person. And the pundits then take the results of the votes and whatever info they get from pollsters and construct some sort of explanation for it all. Which may or may be correct. But they say it over and over again and then say it to each other and suddenly it becomes truth.

And the truth is that people vote for all kinds of reasons - for one candidate or against another.
There is alot of speciulation that Hillary's tears made a difference - it humanized her. Or maybe it was her anger (feistiness) at the debate on Saturday. She is a fighter! And now her people are going to probably encourage both in her.

I look forward to the drama - and find myself less certain now about who I would and will vote for when I get my turn. I like all something about everybody - but each one has an area that causes me concern.

I do believe - in my heart of hearts -that the process will reveal the candidate to me.
Ever the optimist.

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