Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Crossing Over

I am writing this in my basement and hiding out from the three workers who are installing new carpets in my living, dining and one bedroom.  Noisy and everything is going to look new and different.

It is part of the changes that are happening.  New floor in the back porch and entry way, new roof, new carpets and Audrey is moving out next week.  Change, change, change. 

Today I have a board meeting for the Spirituality Network and I found this reading by Joyce Rupp.  The network is similarly going through changes - as we try to become more diverse and responsive to the spirit's movement.  After Sister Carol Ann has retired, there are changes in the Wellstreams program - as I am sure there have been along the way. 

I like this reading because it is not like we are on a threshold to a new place - but it feels more like a bridge.  And that certainly speaks for me these days.  My home has been share with Chuck until 5 months ago and with Audrey for the past two years.  Soon it will be just me.  And it has felt both daunting and somewhat exciting to look ahead.  I have literally never lived alone and that is going to be different.  Audrey's working at night has prepared me in a lot of ways, but I know that it is not the same.

And the house itself is now mine - and mine alone to make decisions about everything.  I have felt overwhelmed at times by the clutter here - and now I face the truth that it has not all been just Chuck and Audrey.  So, again and again and again the question - who am I now?  Who do I want to be?  What are the next steps for me?

Crossing over into the unknown,
crossing over from a secure land
to one whose roads I have never walked.
Companion and Guide you are my transition coach.
You say to me:
“Cross over the bridge.
Go ahead, come on over. It’s sturdy enough.
Don’t look down, though, or you might get terrified
and never walk across.
Don’t look back too long or you will lose courage
and want to stay right where you are.
Hang on. Keep going.
That’s what bridges are for, to get you to the other side.
Trust me to protect you.”
For all of us in transition who have bridges to cross,
bless us, God of the journey,
gift us with the desire to go ahead.

Help us to trust that the bridge will be strong
and the risk will be worth it.



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