Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Ash Wednesday

A quick post before a busy day - spiritual direction giving, lunch with Marsha, spiritual direction receiving, picking Reagan up at track and then Ash Wednesday service.

As Ash Wednesday begins I start with a new journal for this season.  And I start with ideas about what i want to do as a discipline - as undisciplined as I can be - for this time.

I went to the library yesterday and picked up The Universal Christ by Richard Rohr.  As I read a little bit this morning I wrote this down in the new journal:

The essential function of religion is to radically connect us with everything

Einstein - One 2 ways to live - as though nothing were a miracle and as though everything is

Christ is everywhere.  In him every kind of life has a meaning and a solid connection

Lingering - this is what Lectio Divina Is

Contemplation - waiting patiently for the gaps to be filled in and it does not insist on quick or easy answers

It never rushes to judgment

I write these words and vow to be more contemplative during this season through three practices

1. lectio divina

2. rummaging through the day

3. suspending judgment

Of course, right now - in this moment I don't have time to do these - perhaps after lunch today before I see Loretta.  I see the difference between me and many people - in that i know myself to be more contemplative - and less compulsive - than I used to be.  And I want MORE of that peace.

So, my prayer as I begin this day and this season is that I make time and take time to be still and silent and waiting.  Engaging the contemplative life.

A prayer by Maxine Shonk

May the God of CONTEMPLATION bless you,
calling you into the still point of Divine Presence.
Out of the silent center of your being may you bring serenity and peace to every circumstance and to each person.
May your contemplation bear fruit in the words that you speak and the work that you do.
May the God of CONTEMPLATION bless you.

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