Friday, June 15, 2012

An Hour with God

I think that is what I titled it.
I decided that twice a month this summer I wanted to offer people time spent with God - time just to rest in God's presence and open ourselves to God's spirit.

And so last night was our first night. Two people came and it was exactly what I needed.

We spent time with Psalm 63 and especially these verses:

O God, you are my God, I seek you
My soul thirsts for you
My flesh faints for you,
As in a dry and weary land where there is no water

After listening to some music we heard these words spoken several times over the course of our "hour"
And asked questions and wrote and pondered about
- our yearning for God
- our times of experiencing having our dried up spirit watered
- and who in our life needed that blessing right now

As always I plan these kinds of experiences never knowing how God is going to speak to me in the midst of it. I found myself focusing on the words - "I seek you" and felt like God was saying to me: "I ahve been waiting for you."

Here is the prayer that came to me at the end of the time:

Dear Lord, as I read these words over and over again I remember more and more those dry and weary times that you have helped me through.

And I am grateful to you for your steadfast love, your protection and your light in the darkness.

Today I sit in awe and remember that your spirit is here - within me and among us. You constantly bless and cleanse and heal me. You gently are moving me. You faithfully water my soul.
O God, you are my God
I seek you today.
And I find you.


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