Thursday, February 9, 2012

notes from the DART conference

I write this from Orlando Florida where I am attending a clergy conference which is titled "who is our master?". The major message is that we cannot serve two masters or two God 's. Who are we going to serve- the god of the 'market or our the God of Abraham?

It has truly been a thought provoking message for me. I am here with thenBREAD organization but one of about 80 clergy fro around the country who are involved in social justice organizations like BREAD.

What I am understanding is the organization and working together is the key to any kind of success in this is not enough to just preach about it or even study it....we need to have people within our church who are willing to work with other churches and religious organizations in order to speak to the "powers that be" with any kind of power ourselves.

This conference for me is a time of learning and inspiration, I am about to go into a small group breakout session on education so that I can learn and grow and then respond.

More later

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