Thursday, April 14, 2011

How we Grieve

Yesterday I went to Stefanie's Champions luncheon which honored those who have supported people with cancer. It was very inspiring but also very sad.

Last year Trixie Hyser was honored as the champion of her daughter Lisa. Trixie devoted herself to Lisa's care as she battled stage 4 breast cancer. Lisa passed way in January and we miss her.

So, this was very bittersweet. At the same time, it felt like it was a way to honor Lisa. It was SO important to Lisa that her mom be recognized and so this year we came together for Lisa - even though it was very painful for everyone.

And it made me think about how we grieve and honor the person who has left us.

After my father died I made a scrapbook all about his life. It really was a labor of love - the only scrapbook I have ever done. To honor him.

After he died and my mother was living with ovarian cancer, I got very involved in the American Cancer Society in Bowling Green. I was on the board there for a time and our church really supported the Relay for Life. For me, it was in memory of my parents who died of cancer. I honored them.

I just put together a book that is a children's story called "Lucy and the Swans."
It is a story that Lisa Baluk told to Dawn Blevins and Dawn wrote it up. I used shutterfly (LOVE IT!) to make it into a book. To honor Lisa.

I guess these things are the light side of grief - the positive actions that help us to remember and to honor those we love and continue to mourn. And as we do them I always think - that somehow they know it and are pleased.


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