Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Gospel of Hope

This is the title of a new book by Walter Brueggemann I found in the library yesterday.  It seems to be a compilation of sentences and paragraphs from previous books and sermons.  I began today with the first chapter and wrote down some of what spoke to me.  (since I guess I can't underline in a library book!)  I could spend time reflecting on every one of these statements. 

 - To be weaned away from the stuff that only makes you more hungry

 - We signed on for the Jesus story of abundance

 - four great verbs - He TOOK, He BLESSED, He BROKE, He GAVE

 - Scarcity is a lie

 - Commodity thinking versus covenantal thinking

 - Do not forget when you are full
          Being full causes amnesia
           Being comfortable causes indifference
           Being secure makes us unresponsive

 - The Drama of Abundance in which creation bears fruit in extravagance

 - Communion is not about sin and salvation but God the creator who moved directly against anxiety to overwhelm us with reliable abundance.

This is a good way to start the day.  Sitting on my back porch literally surrounded by signs of life and new life.  Green and lush. 

I start this ordinary day of abundance knowing that I will have more than enough to eat and drink and will encounter people who love me and who I love.  Of course there are some areas of struggle and confusion but even there - God is present and working and bringing healing and new life.  I love the phrase RELIABLE ABUNDANCE.  We can count on it.

Here is a blessing to start the day 
May the God of HOPE be with you,
inspiring, calling, inviting you to drean and to believe in possibilities.
May you trust the dream that is forming in you and may your uplifted face and courageous spirit inspire others who have lost hope.
May the blessing of HOPE be with you.

Maxine Shonkn.

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