Wednesday, January 3, 2018

The Year of Epiphany

I had read on facebook that some people selected a WORD for the year 2018 and I have been pondering that myself.  This morning as I was sitting in my version of "Morning Prayer" I had an epiphany - that my word for this year is EPIPHANY.

That is the season of the church year that we are in - the season of epiphany.  When I looked up "Epiphany" online to see the dictionary definition there were three"

1.  a Christian festival, observed on January 6, commemorating the manifestation of Christ to the gentiles in the persons of the Magi; Twelfth-day. appearance or manifestation, especially of a deity.
3.a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.
I continue to reflect on the retreat last Saturday on "Divine Intervention" and one of the insights was that it is often only recognized in retrospect.  This morning I found myself reviewing some of the events of yesterday and had some awareness of God's movement in my life in very small - but real ways.  And that realization is so good for my spirit - gives me a sense of peace, hope and anticipation on a cold and frozen January morning.  Otherwise, I find myself living in a "same-old, same-old" mentality.
Epiphanies for me are are many and varied and lived out in some "simple, homely or commonplace occurrences or experiences". An epiphany can be recognition in the moment of God's presence or "nudging" and it can also be the seeing God in reflection. The reflection that comes later in the day, or the next day or week.  God is doing something here!  An epiphany can be like a lightening flash on a dark night, a spotlight or the sunrise.  It is that experience of sudden illumination.
My intention this year is to live life with a greater attentiveness to God's signs and to commit myself to daily reflection.  What I know to be true is that the epiphanies give me hope and trust in myself, God, and the future.I hope that this blog  in 2018 will be a record of some of the ways I experience God's guidance, comfort, and grace in my life. 

In the church year Epiphany is associated with the traveling Magi who seek the child as they follow the star.   And so, may we all look up and seek the Holy One - each in our own way.

Give us, O God,
the wisdom that comes from being willing to take risks,
to follow intuitions
and to travel in strange company
to that place where the ultimate wisdom lies revealed,
even Jesus Christ our Lord.

(from A Procession of Prayers)

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