Friday, January 24, 2014

Meetings and Ministry

This has been a month of meetings! These are the meetings I have been to this month: worship and music, board meeting, hospitality meeting, elders meetings, staff meetings, district ministers meeting, regional ministers meetings, 2 Northland ministers meeting, a Wellstreams meeting. Some have lasted an hour and some as much as 3 hours.
Sometimes I wonder whether this is time well spent, sometimes I know that this meeting is absolutely essential to the life of the organization.

What I know is that communication is key for an organization as well as developing relationships. And so, these meetings serve a purpose well beyond what appears to be happening in the moment.
At the same time, there is the frustrations. Sometimes it is poor attendance or lack of focus. Sometimes it is wondering what is the real purpose of this time together.

Anyway, one part of my shadow is my impatience and that certainly can get in the way of my trusting the process that involves people coming together to talk, discuss and make decisions about the work of an organization.

So, I guess I write this in confession today. I confess that too often I fail to discern the ministry that can be part of the meeting if only I will be patient and open to those who join me at the various tables at which I sit.

Lord, have mercy on me and guide me in your way of life. Whether I sit beside the bed of a person in the hospital, lead a Bible study or attend an organizational meeting.
May I be faithful to you.

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