Tuesday, August 27, 2013

30 day retreat in September

Yesterday I started a 7 day "retreat" with Joan Chittister on the Psalms. And I like it. Every day I get mailed a reading to reflect on and there is a message from Joan. there are about 30 or 40 people in this week long retreat and we sometimes have posted a few lines about what this means to us. I like it

for that reason I thought I would try to offer one to anyone who is interested in my church (or actually anyone!)
So, beginning September 1st I am going to do 30 days of "Retreat" with the nameless author of the Cloud of Unknowing. I got a book about it (actually it was in a storage unit!!) and will send out daily messages t to whoever wants to join me on this particular journey. There is something about sharing a spiritual experience with others that is really appealing to me.

Here is the message I just sent out on email and face book.

An Invitation to Contemplation with The Cloud of Unknowing

“God is calling you to something more” - the Cloud of Unknowing
The Cloud of Unknowing is an anonymous work on contemplative prayer written in the 14th century. It is written as a guidebook by a nameless older monk to a young seeker who wanted to live closer to God.
His writing continues to teach those of us who seek a closer relationship with God. It makes accessible the spiritual experience and wisdom from ancient holy ones who came before us.
During the month of September I am going to “retreat” for 30 days with writings from this spiritual guide. I am inviting anyone who would like to join me in this journey into becoming more contemplative.
There are three parts to this daily retreat – beginning the day in prayer, a mantra to carry with us during the day, and a prayer for evening. I will send these out to anyone who wants to be part of this spiritual experience every day via email. What this means for us is that we will be setting time aside for prayer and reflection both in the morning and evening. I would also encourage everyone to journal as we journey together.
We also have the opportunity to respond to one another via email as we are companions through this retreat time.
If you are interested in participating in this spiritual discipline, please send me an email by September 1st and I will include you in the daily reflection. (ogram842@yahoo.com)
At the end of the month – on Friday September 27th – we will have an afternoon retreat. Details will follow about that.

Anyway, this is an experiment to see if there is anyone out there who wants to join me in a daily discipline for 30 days. I will send out the emails every morning. And hopefully will pray, journal, reflect, walk, and pray again in the evening.

And then - opening ourselves to God in this very intentional way - we will see what God does with us.

Interested? email me. ogram842@yahoo.com

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