Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Spirit of Fear

 I just read a little bit more of this book - Positioned.  And I got a verse for the day from 2 Timothy

God does not give us a spirit of fear - but power and love and a sound mind.

I like that - and I know about the spirit of fear.  The fear of aging, the fear of wrinkles, the fear of baldness, the fear of suffering, the fear of death.  The fear can certainly take over as I feel like I am in a constant struggle to find equilibrium. Yesterday was not a good day and the "spirit of fear" was taking over.  Not good.

 Instead of fear - I can certainly live in trust that in the middle of everything - including in the middle of my soul - there is the peace of Christ.  I really do believe it and eventually when I settle down I can experience it.

Instead of fear I can live in the reality of not knowing and stop making up stories of how it is going to be.  I don't know what is going to happen and I don't know what is happening right now within my body.  And when it does thing I don't like - I don't know whether it is a sign of something terrible or an aberration.  I don't know.

Instead of fear I can maybe remember how loved I am.  I have lots of cards and gifts that might show that to me - not to mention a family and a husband that obviously cares

this was just interrupted by a call from Ann who plays pickleball with me to tell me that she is thinking of me and in her heart knows I am going to get through this.  it is a good word and I appreciate it.

Begone - spirit of fear!

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