Friday, March 7, 2025


Just a quick note to acknowledge how much things have changed in the past 8 weeks.  It has been miraculous.

On January 14th I had the flu and John suffered a mysterious fall which led to 25 days in the hospital.  He was diagnosed with a brain bleed which could have scary complications.  We were blessed that he was accepted to rehab to Dodd hall where he received excellent care.  I got to observe him get stronger and more cognitively   aware during that time.

At the same time I was approaching significant surgery which led to the question:  who was going to take care of me after surgery?  Who was going to take care of John during my hospital stay.  I can honestly say that was the most stressful time of my 75 years.  And now it is behind us.  I marvel at the blessings.

He was blessed by staying with Jim and Pat every evening.  Every morning he exercised for an hour with Jim which I am sure contributed to his rapid healing.  He had friends stay with him during the day and take him to the hospital to see me.   Meanwhile I had the constant comfort by my daughters who stayed on and off with me for seven days.  And now it is behind us.

I am tired but healing appropriately.  I did get rid of the wretched Foley catheter after one week and feel more and more like myself.  He now walks with a cane for the most part and has kept up his exercise and will get stronger every day.  The hard part is behind us.

I know people say - "This too shall pass".  I did think that at times over these weeks but I still marvel that it did pass and we are living in our beautfiul home again.  Frequently being fed by loving friends and full of gratitude. 

A couple of days ago I found a quote by John O Donohue on facebook - I saved it and share it now


There is a kindness that dwells deep in things;it presides everywhere, often in the places we least expect’

The world can be harsh and negative, but if we remain generous and patient. Kindness inevitably reveals itself.  Something deep in the human soul seems to depend on the presence of kindness; something instinctive in us expects it, and once we sense it we are able to trust and open ourselves.

John O Donohue


We are blessed.

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