A week ago John and I returned from the cruise with the kids. If you are on facebook, you might have seen the pictures that they posted. It was a lot of fun, food, rest, and family. The only drawback for us was that John's sciatica continued to be an issue and there was a lot of walking on the ship itself to go back and forth from the room. He was a trooper and we really enjoyed the time away.
A highlight for me were some special meals with first Audrey and her friend Morgan and then with Marnie and Erik. The specialty restaurants were really excellent and there is nothing like being with my kids in an environment where we can really talk to fill my soul. We played trivia most every day and the last day we actually won with Audrey. We took interesting tours of both San Juan and Dominican Republic which were great. When we got off the bus in San Juan we ran into Marnie and her family and I was able to join the girls for lunch and shopping while John went back to the boat with Erik and Maggie. It was real serendipity. Lots of blessings!
On the way home John fell out of a bus in Orlando which was not good. That was only the beginning. When we got home, it was clear that I had a cough and a runny nose which kept getting worse. By Monday I had a fever and it looked like I would not be able to have my surgery Tuesday. Monday night we went to the urgent care and it was determined that I had Type A Flu. Early that morning I fainted twice. In the middle of that - when I was upstairs recovering I heard a thump and John had fallen and hit his head. I called 911 and he was then taken to the emergency room. We still don't know why he fell - did he faint? pass out? what?
Long story short - he is currently at OSU's Brain and Spine Hospital recovering from a brain bleed. I am so happy that he really is recovering. After many CT scans his hematoma is stable and he is able to talk and he seems like himself. It has been a long and hard week. For the first two days I could not see him because of the flu. I was down and out on Tuesday and finally coming back. I have been with him on and off for the last few days and watched his recovering. It is heartening.
I don't yet what the future is going to bring. The doctor says that he will need rehab. I worry about his muscles atrophying after a week in bed and they are not walking him. He got no physical therapy yesterday and who knows about today or tomorrow which is a holiday. These are the kinds of concerns i have. I have yet to have my surgery rescheduled. They are waiting for me to be free of the flu. And I have no idea how all will work with that.
Everybody tells me to stay in the present and that is what I try to do - because the future is so uncertain and much of it is out my hands. There is - as usual - a lot of waiting for healing. When I googled "brain bleeds" it said that the recovery can be days, weeks, months, if at all. So, we are doing really well by those standards.
What I do see is a lot of mini miracles in the midst of the dark times. We were so blessed that there was a bed for him at OSU. When he left Tuesday he went to St Ann's hospital and their protocol was to take him to yet another hospital in their system. That was the first miracle.
My girls came to my assistance immediately and spent the day and Kacey spent the night with me initially. That was so helpful. I was told that if I fainted again I should go to the emergency room. Thank God I didn't and am getting better every day.
I have been concerned about the snow and ice at my home and was so delighted to find a neighbor her taking care of salting my walkway yesterday and Audrey provided me salt. And Nikki showed up and shoveled around my car to get me a clear path to go back to the hospital today. I had a friend drive me to the hospital Thursday when I couldn't and neighbors watching our dog. So, I feel held my the love and prayers.
I wait in anticipation for what is coming next. I trust that all will be well and as my Spiritual Director Loretta says: "God's got this!"
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