I read Richard Rohr's meditation this morning that was title: "Mystical Hope."
Cynthia Bourgeault wrote:
Must we be whiplashed incessantly between joy and sorrow, expectation and disappointment? Is it not possible to live from a place of greater equilibrium, to find a deeper and steadier current?
These days I do feel whiplashed between joy and sorrow. Thanksgiving had so much joy as I spent time with family and friends doing exactly what I love - eating good food and playing games and laughing and talking. And the sorrow is there too. Lisa will have surgery this week and Chuck is still VERY slowly recovering from his surgery. He sleeps alot and has little appetite. and the physical therapist, nurse and occupational therapists all say he has to exercise and eat well. It is challenging to say the least. Tomorrow I drive to Dayton to officiate a memorial service for a young man who was in my youth group in Zanesville 25 years ago. Yes, there is sorrow.
.But as I read the meditation I remember the journey that leads us inward to the wellspring of hope.
"The journey to the wellsprings of hope is really a journey toward the center, toward the innermost ground of our being where we meet and are met by God."
So I begin this day in tears as I silently sit in my living room in
front of the Christmas tree decorated last week by two grandchildren and
breathe in the abiding love and remember God's presence with me
always. It truly is MYSTICAL - this change in self - heart, mind, soul -
when I finally settle down and become present to God's love.
is the beginning of Advent - a time of waiting. And I know that this
will be an important Advent for me as I wait for healing and strength
within my husband, wait for patience and hope to grow within me, wait
for my family to continue to break down barriers in various ways and
become more accepting of each other, and essentially wait to give birth
to Jesus.
I look forward to what is for me the discipline of the 25 days of preparation for Christmas. It is my intention to write here as I spend time with God's words of hope. In so many ways I am waiting this year but trusting in God's work within my life and our world.
A blessing by Maxine Shonk
May the ADVENT God be with you,
inviting your to an eager expectation of new life within you.
May you know hope,
may you know peace as you await the birth of what is yet to be
ion you.
May the life you embrace be a sharing in the God of life and incarnation among us.
May the ADVENT God bless you.
Pizza #30 Donatos
8 years ago