Sunday, January 24, 2010

Home Again

Well, the cruise is over and now I am home and happily so.

The cruise was what I needed - but very different from last year. This was a time that I wanted two things: to rest and to detach from my "church life." And I got to do both. I did not even check email _until Thursday - but more about that.

I read lots of books and it was such a blessing to have some books that reallly engaged me. I started the week finishing "Game Change" and at the end of the week I read "The Help" in one day! I recommend them both - but mostly the experience of having a day to do nothing but read and let your mind go into another world - whether it is the world of politics in 2009 or the world of Jackson Mississippi in 1963.

we also visited some isleans - Roatan, Belize and Cozumel. In Cozumel Chuck and I did what we did last year - sat in the plaza with some nachos and coronas and watched people. It was different from last year - since the girls were not along. Still nice - but I missed them.

I also missed my sister Ellen. The last few cruises we have been on have been with Ellen and Tom and so.... The grief comes and goes in the most unexpected times and places.

We returned home to some concerns. One of Rachel's best friends (Rachel is Chuck's granddaughter) was killed in a car accident on Thursday. It is just devastating for everyone. They are in our prayers.

Marnie is coping with colitis for the first time in years. It is probably because she gave up smoking. And now she is in terrific pain and wondering what to do next.

kacey continues to struggle with the job change as she moved from teaching special needs kids in an elementary school to middle school.

So, a cruise is a wonderful vacation - I recommend it to anyone and everyone. I love my life as mother and pastor. Happy to be away and happy to come home and go back into it all again.

God is at work in our rest and play, in our grief and illness, in all the changes of our lives.

I trust that.


Unknown said...

I am glad you enjoyed your time away and I can understand how it feels good to be back.

I was thrilled to see that you enjoyed The Help as much as I did. A real page turner, right? And also a history lesson!

WayneG said...

I'm not on Facebook but I do read Gail's home page and see that you are watching The Wire... it is THE BEST television EVER!!! The writing, with very few exceptions, is extraordinary, the politics are absolutely on point, and the characters are memorable... Wire watchers will share catch phrases and recall scenes and vignettes from the show even though years have passed since they've seen the show... True Dat!