Thursday, May 26, 2011


My "spiritual discipline" this year has been to be home at 4 PM to watch Oprah because I knew that this was her last year. Actually, what i would do is check who the guest or topic was and make sure that I could see the shows I wanted to see.

This week I faithfully watched the LAST 3 SHOWS

And I remain awed by what she has accomplished through her 25 years of hosting her television show. On the last show she shared that she always wanted to be a teacher and she certainly was that - but she was also a confidant, comforter and truthteller.

I read a blog by Stiffelman about the last show and she wrote this:
"There was no ugly cry. No over the top sentimentality calculated to tug at our heartstrings. It was simple. It was clean. And she was elegant."

This is so true. It was her final "class" in this venue and here are some of my notes from watching

1. Be responsible for the energy you bring into this space.

2. You are responsible for your life

3. There is a common thread through our lives of a feeling of unworthiness. There is a difference between thinking you deserve to be happy and knowing you are worthy

4. We often block our blessing because we don't feel worthy enough

5. You are worthy because you were born - you alone are enough

6. Everyone wants to know - do you see me? do you hear me?

7. I wait and listen for the guidance that is greater than my meager mind

8. God is always speaking to you - first in whispers and then louder

9. Gratitude is everything

10. To God be the glory

I end with the words Susan Shiffelman used in her blog
Thank you, Oprah, for not just offering inspirational words, but for living them out loud, in front of us all. Your willingness to share your gifts motivates me to step further into sharing my own. Your willingness to stand in your light inspires me to stand more fully in mine.



ELYSSA said...

I didn't watch Oprah on TV too much, but I do subscribe to and read her magazine. She has given so much in her 25 years on TV and I look forward to seeing what she does next.

WayneG said...

This NYTimes piece suggests that suffering was one of Oprah's predominant themes and that her "cult" was at once Christian and pantheistic, African-American in origin but global in reach". Here's the link....